As soon as Quin heard that Alix was moving out, she started planning a housewarming gift! I'd like to think that it is because she has such a generous spirit and
not just because she was excited to
get rid of her older sister!
Regardless, Quin started felting about two years ago when my sister introduced her to it and she periodically brings out her supplies and surprises us with some REALLY cute creations!
The deep set frame holds the felted creation perfectly! |
This time around, Quin decided to do a 'Home Sweet Home' framed piece of felted artwork, and as soon as she had finished the first bird, it was decided that 'Home TWEET Home' was even better!
The original BLUE egg! |
After Quin was finished all of her felted friends, we gathered some twigs from the garden and sewed them into place on aida cloth using fishing line. The whole design was a little warped before we adhered it to an adhesive mat, which eventually held it perfectly! I went to work doing the cross stitch and in no time we were all done!
Close up! |
Just as Quin was finishing off her blue egg, which of course matched the birds, Alix announced that she was going to find out whether she was having a boy or a girl, so Quin went to work and made a second pink egg!
We found out that the baby will be a girl, so a quick switch had this little housewarming gift finished and PERFECT!!

Quin also made this Easter scene. I LOVE her handiwork and I have my fingers crossed that she will soon be making more little felted friends that I can show off in our house!
She has several other animals done and displayed in her room, including a monkey and dogs that look like our family pets!
All of the felted creatures are between 1.5 and 3 inches tall, with the finished framed piece measuring about 7"x7". The detail that each felted piece has is really good, especially for a 13 year old....or 12 year old when she did the Easter felting!
Happy Crafting!
Quin & Mom
Great job Quinn. You are a chip off the creative mom block for sure.